But why? If you have a 3 year old like me, or have ever interacted with one, you’ve probably heard them ask why at least a million times. I’m not even going to lie, I never grew out of that. I’m always looking for the why or reasoning behind things. I figure I can’t be the ONLY one that feels this way, so I wanted to give some insight into my why and questions I often get from my potential clients.
Funny enough I didn’t start out in HR. I feel like this is a common occurrence with other HR pros. I was working a summer internship while I was in college to be a teacher, and it just so happened that job was an HR assistant. I kept up with that job even after graduation, because you know… teacher salary. After three and a half years in the classroom, and LOTS of events that were starting to take a heavy toll on my mental health, I decided to create an exit strategy and transition into my HR role full time AND get my master’s in HR and Leadership Development. I worked for as an HR department of one and then transitioned into corporate HR.
The answer is simple. My kids. After I had my first baby I couldn’t bare the thought of returning to corporate and having to leave her for over 10 hours each day. Not to mention while I was breastfeeding and how much pumping I’d have to do. I decided not to return to corporate after my maternity leave was up. It was a scary, leap of faith decision, but with the unwavering support of my husband, we made it work.
Initially I started off doing some HR consulting work. I quickly decided that while I loved HR, I didn’t necessarily love the every day stress that came with it. I always enjoyed writing and even did some HR writing for the companies I worked for in the past with their social media, communication, etc. I decided to pivot my business into content marketing specifically for HR businesses so that I can help them grow. I often hear from my clients and potential clients that it is so hard to find a content creator and marketer that understands the unique needs of HR.
HR businesses have such an immense amount of value to provide to organizations and can create impactful change that helps improve the work conditions of employees and the organization as a whole. I want to be a part of that. I want all organizations to understand the importance of HR and how it can work WITH the company initiatives and employees instead of against it. Helping HR businesses market their services will ultimately make a difference in the lives of many.
It builds trust with your potential clients. Content marketing is a way to show thought leadership, drive targeted traffic to your website, book more clients, and build your revenue. These are all critical for the growth of HR businesses, which is why I put together a free resource around HR marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. You can grab your copy here.