HR Balancing Act: End of the Year Hustle & Bustle vs. Self Care

HR Balancing Act: End of the Year Hustle & Bustle vs. Self Care

Any HR professional knows the end of the year can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Many of you have just dealt with open enrollment, or are preparing to. Not to mention all the end of the year wrap ups you’ll need to do for your clients like end of year reviews, updating payroll information, and more. While all of these things are important, so is your mental and physical health.

Burnout is a very real thing and if you are ignoring your own needs, you are bound to experience it. You may feel like you can’t possibly take a day off, or that you have to work all weekend, but I can guarantee if you don’t take a break, your body will take one for you, either in the form of illness or exhaustion. Can you tell I’m speaking from experience here? Don’t make the same mistakes I (and so many other HR professionals) did. Find your balance between self care and the end of the year chaos. 

How can I possibly prioritize self care when there are so many other important things going on?

I never said it was easy, but it is possible. You don’t have to take a week off to spend it at the spa. Although if you are willing and able to do that, go for it! I’ll be over here wishing I was you! Self care can be simple things you do during your workday and after. Here are a few things that have helped me personally. 

  • Take a dang lunch break. That’s right. Step away from your desk. Get a change of scenery and eat your lunch. Even if it’s only for 30 minutes.
  • Use relaxation techniques when you start to get overwhelmed. This can be anything from breathing exercises to a 10 minute mindfulness meditation.
  • Stop trying to fit too much in, whether it’s work or personal life. Take a break. You can’t take on everything. Delegate if you can. Include your team on projects you can’t take on completely. And always remember, no is a complete sentence.
  • Make some time on your calendar for things you enjoy. Love to bake? Schedule 2 hours on your calendar to bake your favorite dessert.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is attributed to several physical and mental side effects, such as decreased immune system, brain fog, lack of concentration, headaches, increased stress, etc. Do you really think you’ll be able to handle all of the year end chaos with those side effects? If you said yes, think again.

This advice might leave you thinking, yeah right. This will never work. And honestly, if you have that attitude, you’re right. It will never work and you won’t make it happen. Will this advice work perfectly for everyone? Probably not. But can you take certain aspects of this advice and tweak them to fit your own personal needs? Absolutely. Don’t forget, you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you are not taken care of, there is no way on Earth you’re going to be able to take care of your clients, their businesses, and even your family. Make time to rest. It’s just as important as the work you’re doing.