Do You Have These Common Questions About HR Marketing Strategy?

Do You Have These Common Questions About HR Marketing Strategy?

We get questions all the time about using content marketing strategies to grow HR businesses. Most of them revolve around how it works, how long it takes, when to post, what kinds of content to create, etc. We decided to compile the most frequently asked questions into one blog post.

What exactly is content marketing strategy?

Content marketing strategy is a method of marketing your business using high value content, instead of direct sales. Most people think of traditional marketing as cold outreach, sales emails, flyers in the mail, billboards, etc. While there is a time and place for those things, we’d argue that content marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. Instead of straight up asking for the sale, content marketing nurtures your audience through thought leadership content your audience will find valuable. (Yes we will still ask for the sale from time to time.)

How does content marketing work?

When you push out regular, high quality content to your audience, they notice. Your company will become their go to for industry knowledge. You will continue to build credibility with them and nurture them until they are ready to work with you. This time frame is different for every potential client, but the concept remains the same. Give them value, draw them in, then ask for the sale.

Is it right for my HR business?

We’d argue content marketing is right for any HR business. Think about it. You’re getting in front of your audience, showing your value, and then bringing people to you. Yes, cold outreach absolutely has a place, but think of how much your audience will already be interested and invested in you just from the content you create. You’re far more likely to close a deal if they already have time and energy invested in you.

How long before I see results?

Like with everything, content marketing takes time. It would be fabulous if we all made one LinkedIn post and then had 100 clients lining up for our services. However, that is not realistic. Often these results are sporadic at first, but as your build traction, they will become more consistent. We usually start to see consistent results, like clients reaching out to you and people signing up for your email list, within a couple of months.

What kinds of content should I be using?

B2B businesses are primarily going to be on LinkedIn. I highly suggest using LinkedIn to the fullest potential, which includes writing articles or blogs. Another great way to grow your business is by growing your email list. You can do this by providing a lead magnet to your audience. You will give them a valuable freebie and in exchange, they will give you their email address. A great way to drive traffic to your freebie is by creating a call to action at the end of each LinkedIn post by saying, “If you want to learn more, you can download my FREE resource here.”

How often should I post content?

We often get asked, do I really have to post daily? The answer, as it is for many things in life, is it depends. What are your goals? How quickly do you want to see results? What do you have time for? One of the number one rules with content marketing is to be consistent. If you can manage to post high quality content every single day on LinkedIn, then by all means go for it. If you can only manage 2 or 3 posts a week, then that’s fine too. Just keep in mind your content needs to be consistent WHILE providing value. You aren’t going to see great results if you post mediocre content every day.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at! You can also download our FREE e-book, 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your HR Business.