How can your HR company be more successful?

How can your HR company be more successful?

Answers on how to make your HR business more successful will vary. It’s true several factors go into building a prosperous business. However, a big part of your marketing should be your content and copywriting. In fact, 72% of marketing strategists found that content boosts engagement and increases leads.

What are content and copywriting?

Content is anything you write for your business to inform your readers. Blogs and social media are typically what first come to mind. However, many businesses produce newsletters and e-books too. The main purpose of copywriting is to persuade your readers. Think of things like landing pages, sales pages, weekly emails, or lead magnets. Often times content writing and copywriting can overlap.

What are some different types of writing?


The main purpose of blogs is to give information and build trust. You are showing your potential clients that you are the expert in the field. They are coming to you for information and advice. Over 75% of internet users read blogs. That's a huge opportunity for your business!

Social media

Social media is used to build an audience. People are on social media to connect with you and get to know what you and your business are all about.


These are used to engage your audience consistently. Emails help your business stay top of mind to those in your lead funnels.


Newsletters are a way to share information about your industry. It's also a great opportunity to share what's happening within your business to let your audience get to know you better.

Landing pages

Have you ever gotten a freebie from a business? If so, you've probably ended up on a landing page. Landing pages are great opportunities to show off your expertise and connect with your potential clients' pain points. Often, you'll give them a free guide or e-book in exchange for their email, which will subscribe them to your email list.

Copywriting Tips

Know your brand identity

Find your brand voice and stick with it. There’s nothing more confusing and even off-putting to readers than a brand that doesn’t have a solid identity (different word).

Be consistent

If you’re putting out content in the form of social media posts, blogs, newsletters, or emails, do what you can to be consistent. Yes, more is better, but that’s not always feasible. If you can only manage 1 social media post a week, then stick to that and build up.

Don’t just sell

Yes, the ultimate goal is to land more clients and close the deal, but constantly selling will be off-putting to your audience. It can come off as desperate. You want to have content that helps your readers get to know you, like you, and trust you.

Content and copywriting can be tricky for business owners. They know it’s important for generating leads, but they can’t always find the time to do it. Or maybe writing isn’t their strong suit and it is such a huge time suck. No matter how you're struggling with writing, we can help. You can contact me for a free 15-minute call to discuss how you can improve the content and copywriting in your HR business.