How Can Using Authenticity as Part of Your Marketing Strategy Be Beneficial?

How Can Using Authenticity as Part of Your Marketing Strategy Be Beneficial?

Before we dive into why authenticity as part of your marketing strategy is beneficial, let's first look at why it can be a challenge to show up authentically online. 

Why is showing up authentically online difficult?

As someone who struggled with this for years, I’ve always wondered exactly why I struggled. I had zero issues showing up authentically in my day to day life but, something was just different about the online space. That’s when it hit me. BINGO!

Everyone seemed to be wearing a mask, only showing the parts of their life they are proud of. It looked as if everyone was perfect, but this was only one piece.

So why exactly is showing up online so dang difficult?

1. It’s easy to compare ourselves to others who are further along in their journey.
2. People are dehumanized and harshly criticized online.
3. Keyboard warriors hide behind their screens, becoming bolder with their words (things they would likely never say if they were face to face with someone)

Now, before you come at me, there are definitely people out there who are living their lives authentically both online and in real life. You also don’t owe the world anything and don’t have to air your dirty laundry. I like to think of being authentic as being yourself in a way that is empowering to you.

For me, that’s showing the human side. I am not perfect. Life is messy. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and OCD. I’m on an antidepressant. Sometimes I get disorganized, overwhelmed, or just plain exhausted. I want people to know they are not alone. If one of my stories empowers just one person, then it was well worth it for me to be vulnerable and show up authentically.

Why is authenticity beneficial for marketing your business? 

Authenticity means increased engagement, building the know, like, and trust factor, more brand awareness, and growing your audience. 

  • Increased engagement = being seen as a thought leader
  • Know, like, and trust = excited potential clients
  • Brand awareness = people know who you are, what you do, and what you stand for
  • Growing audience = more people coming to you

So what exactly does all of this mean for your HR marketing? 

If you’re trying to fill your recruiting pipeline, you will have more candidates coming TO you, attracting the right talent to your organization.

If you’re trying to land corporate training contracts, you will be seen as a thought leader in your industry.

If you’re trying to work with small businesses as their outsourced HR, your potential clients will know exactly what you do and reach out TO you.

No matter where you fit into HR or where your business is, implementing authenticity in your marketing strategy is a smart move.

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Authenticity

🚫 Fabricate sob stories as click bait to get attention.

✅ Be honest! People want to get to know the REAL you and who is behind the business or organization.

🚫 Use it as your only marketing tool.

✅ Incorporate it as part of your overall strategy.

🚫 Share irrelevant information.

✅ Tie in your authenticity with your overall business goals.

If you're looking for more mistakes to avoid in HR marketing, be sure to download my free e-book, 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your HR Business, here