The Guide to 2023 Content Planning for HR Businesses

The Guide to 2023 Content Planning for HR Businesses

There are four main steps that go into content planning.

  1. Set clear goals
  2. Determine what’s relevant to your audience
  3. Develop a strategy
  4. Assess and make changes as needed

Set Clear Goals

Your company will need to reflect on a few questions.

  • What are we trying to achieve? More clients? Establishing thought leadership? Brand visibility?
  • How will we know when we’ve met these goals? What are the metrics and KPIs we will use?
  • What is the time frame in which we want to achieve these goals? Monthly? Quarterly? Yearly?

After you’ve answered these questions, you can start setting your goals. Some people opt to use the S.M.A.R.T. goals method, while others use different strategies. Don’t get so hung up on which strategy to use to the point where you end up being paralyzed and not setting any goals. Pick a strategy and go for it. If it doesn’t work, you can always tweak it later.

Determine What’s Relevant to Your Audience

Before you begin with this step, your company needs to be crystal clear on exactly who your audience is. Reflect on these questions to help guide you.

  • Who are the majority of our clients? Large corporations? Small businesses? Non profits?
  • Is there a specific industry our company mainly works with? Technology? Government sector?
  • What are our most popular services? HR outsourcing? Benefits administration? Education and training?

These questions will give you great insight into exactly what content is relevant to your audience, and can help you tailor the content specifically to your niche, industry, etc. For example if you mainly work with technology corporations, they are going to want to hear about HR trends in their industry such as employee retention strategies, benefits, etc. to make their company stand out from their competitors.

Develop a Strategy

This is the step where many companies get hung up, and understandably. Your expertise is HR, not necessarily content strategy. Fear not! It sounds scarier than it is. Consider these things before you dive into your strategy session.

  • How often can we (realistically) publish content consistently? I typically recommend 1 blog per week and AT LEAST one social media post per week, preferably 3.
  • What platforms are our potential clients “hanging out on”? If I had to guess, most of the time this is going to be on LinkedIn and likely Facebook, however this can vary from industry to industry.
  • How can we stay organized and on track with our goals? Hint: use a content calendar to work smarter not harder.

Develop your strategy one step at a time. Take your big content goals for the year, then break them down into quarterly goals then monthly goals. From there, develop your content strategy month by month.

Assess and Make Changes as Needed

This step can be tricky. You want to give your content strategy enough time to work, however you want to make changes if something isn’t working. Maybe you thought your target client base was on instagram, but it turns out they’re mainly on Facebook and LinkedIn, then it’s time to change up where you are posting. Maybe you started by posting one blog per month and aren’t seeing the targeted traffic to your website you were hoping for. It’s time to up your blog content and publish them more frequently, ensuring you are using propert SEO techniques (which can be ever changing).Non-profits,in ,,Instagramproper

If this all still seems too overwhelming to even think about, that’s okay! I can help! I’ve done strategy content sessions with clients to make the process relatively stress free for them. If that’s something you’re looking for, please reach out to me. I’m more than happy to help. In fact, check out this testimonial from Corinne Jones, CEO of CJCHR about my articles for her website!

"Katy's articles are proving very successful, we have tons of new traffic, and honestly - more business than we can take on at the moment! Many thanks to her."